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Wild Bergamot Flower

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A pollinator favorite and herbal medicine cabinet staple, Wild Bergamot also has a stunning flower for the garden or a vase. Like all china asters, this makes a great cut flower. Blooms reach 24" in height and 4" in diameter at maturity-highly dramatic! 10 to 14 days to germination. 80 days to maturity.

*Organic, Open-Pollinated, and non-GMO seeds. Art pack. 200 seeds. 

Wild Bergamot Herbalism Uses: 

The leaves and flowering stems are carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic and stimulant. An infusion is used internally in the treatment of colds, catarrh, headaches, gastric disorders, aching kidneys, to reduce low fevers and soothe sore throats.  Like most mints, Wild Bergamot or Bee Balm has a special affinity for the digestive tract. 

Culinary Uses: 

A balanced sweet & spicy, the flowers can be added to salads, soups, or dressings. 

About Hudson Valley Seed Co., Accord, New York: 

We are a values-driven seed company that practices and celebrates responsible seed production and stewardship. We are best known for our beautiful artist-design seed packs (Art Packs) that appeal to gardeners, gift buyers, and lovers of art and nature. Our Art Packs, most fundamentally, tell stories. We challenge our artists to convey in a manner that is fully their own, the history and meaning of the seed variety contained in each pack. These stories were once integral to traditional societies-stories of seeds were often origin stories for entire communities and peoples, and the lore and beliefs that accumulated around seed varieties reflected the nearly familial way in which gardeners and farmers regarded their crops. Our society is, by and large, no longer connected to plants this way. But we like to think our Art Packs help to stitch our fragmented world back together: useful seeds, evocative art, both equally valuable to our experience of being human.

Wild Bergamot Flower

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