• How to Transplant Starts to your Garden

    How to Transplant Starts to your Garden

    While it’s still a little early to transplant all starts, we are ready to get cold & frost hardy starts in the ground! First thing’s first!Although it’s easy to get excited and want to directly transplant, there is one necessary step that any gardener should practice to help ensure the success of their crop. Whether you grew your own seedlings or they were grown...
  • Rose Of Jericho: Selaginella lepidophylla: The Resurrection Plant

    Rose Of Jericho: Selaginella lepidophylla: The Resurrection Plant

    The Rose of Jericho is a species of desert moss that can ‘resurrect’ itself after bouts of extreme dehydration in which it goes into dormancy lasting for months or even years. After just a few hours of exposure to water the plant starts to unfurl its tightly curled, brown leaves and turn green into a flower-like shape.
  • The Amazing Marimo Ball

    The Amazing Marimo Ball

    Although Marimo Balls are often called “Moss Balls” they are indeed not moss at all, but instead a freshwater algae! Learn more about Marimo Balls...
  • Tillandsia : Air Plant Care

    Tillandsia : Air Plant Care

    Air Plants or Tillandsia, are epiphytes and in nature, grow on trees or other “hosts”. Air plants are not parasites, but get all their nutrients from water, light, and nutrients in the air. They absorb these nutrients from small vessels in their leaves called trichomes. Air plants do not need (or want!) any soil. They are extremely versatile and in your home can be...
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